The following map shows the Paso del Norte Trail alignment as of Fall 2022. To see a legend, click the arrow in the top left corner of the map.
The following map shows completed segments of the Paso del Norte Trail as of Fall 2022. Completed segments include both on-street facilities, such as bike lanes or shared lanes, and off-street shared use paths. To see a legend, click the arrow in the top left corner of the map.
The following map shows health data indicators for El Paso County at the Census Tract Level. The first map displayed shows the percentage of adults who are sedentary (those who did not participate in any physical activities other than their regular job during the past month). Data is from the Healthy Paso del Norte website and the CDC’s 500 Cities Project. As with the map above, you may toggle map layers on/off by clicking the arrow in the upper left of the map and selecting/deselecting active layers.