The Playa Drain Trail is an 8.5-mile long segment of the broader Paso del Norte Trail network that will connect Ascarate Park to Capistrano Park in El Paso's Lower Valley. The Playa Drain Trail includes 4.8 miles of developed trail, 1.5 miles of trail currently in construction, and additional 2 miles of trail in design. We are currently coordination with the City of El Paso and the El Paso Metropolitan Planning Organization to identify funding for the final 0.3-mile segment of the Playa Drain Trail along Liberty Street. We hope to complete the entire Playa Drain Trail by 2024!
Scroll through the interactive story map below for a detailed description of each segment of the Playa Drain Trail including current development status and anticipated completion timelines.
If you'd like to support future trail development along the Paso del Norte Trail, please consider a recurring donation to the Friends of the Paso del Norte Trail Program.