Happy Thanksgiving! Ready for a challenge to be thankful for? Join us for a walk along the Paso del Norte Trail and start a new holiday tradition!
The Riverpark Trail is a shared use path along the Rio Grande between Santa Teresa, NM and Anthony, TX. Walking the entire trail at a brisk pace of 4 mph is approximately 10.5 miles, 21,800 steps, 975 calories, and will be a nice 2.5 hour walk! There are many options for walking portions of this trail segment ranging from 30 minutes to 2 hours! Check out the interactive map and parking information here.
The Playa Drain Trail segment of the Paso del Norte Trail starts at Ascarate Park and runs along the canal to Riverside Park. Walking the length of the entire trail at a brisk pace of 4 mph is approximately 3.15 miles, 6,200 steps, 280 calories, and will take you 45 minutes! A roundtrip walk of the entire trail is approximately 6.3 miles, 12,400 steps, 560 calories, and will take you 1 hour and 30 minutes (goal for the day met!). For parking information, check out this interactive map.
Share your selfies on social media and tag @PasodelNorteTrail for a chance to win a Friends of the Paso del Norte Trail sticker!